on December 2, 2013
at 1:00 AM
and modified on November 27, 2013. at 4:28 PM
Hey, look at all those spiffy banners on the site!
So I took a moment to volunteer the Comic Creators for Freedom charity drive this year. This is a charity drive going on for the next two weeks, seeking to help put an end to human trafficking. Read more about it by clicking here. Webcartoonists from all over have gathered together to create a special gift for anyone who donates during this charity drive: A wallpaper featuring characters from ALL* your favorite webcomics!
This year’s theme is “Awkward School Photos” and my contribution is this picture of a very young Doctor Ou^A:
If you want to get your hands on the very awesome full wallpaper featuring characters from 167 different webcomics, then make a donation to help put a stop to human trafficking!
*It’s got Mischief in Maytia in it; what more do you want?