Hello and welcome to the debut of my new webcomic: Mischief in Maytia!

And I have decided to start the comic already featuring (*puts on blue shirt*) not just one page, not two, not three, not five, not seven, but four pages already complete and posted for your reading pleasure!  But wait, there’s more!  I’m also giving you a chapter cover as a free bonus!  That’s like having five pages all for the price of one!  …Which is free, so technically you’re paying the same price for each of the bonus pages that you do for a regular page, so maybe it’s not such a hot deal…

Anyway, since I’m starting off with four pages I’ve set the main page to  show the first chapter cover, rather than the most recent page.  Starting next week the main page will be showing the most recent page like a webcomic normally does, so if you want to set a bookmark, click the title or the “Home” link at the top, and make sure you bookmark the page http://maytiacomic.com/ with nothing past the slash.

And I hope you enjoy the comic!